July 4th, 5th, & 6th, 2025

The World Equestrian Center

Wilmington, Ohio



Small Horse Championships

July 4th - 5th, 2025
World Equestrian Center
Wilmington, Ohio


NDPC Breed In-Hand Show!

Sunday of the Championship Show

NDPC Championship Breed Show!

July 6th, 2025

Show Rules

  • The National Dressage Pony Cup and Small Horse Championships is a two-day competition.

  • Ponies and Small Horses may not compete in more than two consecutive levels, even with more than one rider.

  • Ponies and Small Horses may not compete in more than three tests per day for National Level tests, or two tests per day for FEI Level tests.

  • The two highest tests of each level are competed during the competition.

  • Ponies compete in height restricted classes. Small Horses compete in Open Show classes and designate that they are competing in the Small Horse Division.

  • Each Pony or Small Horse/Rider combination must ride a designated test each day at the level they are competing to be eligible for prizes:

Level Friday Saturday

Introductory Introductory Level Test B Introductory Level Test C

Training Training Level Test 2 Training Level Test 3

First First Level Test 2 First Level Test 3

Second Second Level Test 2 Second Level Test 3

Third Third Level Test 2 Third Level Test 3

Fourth Fourth Level Test 2 Fourth Level Test 3

FEI Pony Test FEI Team Test FEI Individual Test

FEI** FEI Test of Choice (TOC) ** FEI Test of Choice (TOC) **

Equitation classes must be ridden on both days. Friday will be a flat class. Saturday’s test will require riders to perform a pattern. Extra bridle numbers for this class, to be pinned to both sides of your saddle pad, will be provided in your competitors packet.

​** The same FEI test (PSG, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, or Grand Prix) must be ridden each day

  • Readers are permitted Introductory through Fourth Level.

  • Whips are allowed per USEF rules.

  • The NDPC considers competitors to be Junior Riders at age 16 and under. Competitors are considered Young Riders from ages 17 to 21. To determine which division a rider is in, the NDPC uses the USEF rule of the rider’s age as of December 1st of the current competition season.


  • All Pony and Small Horse/Rider combinations must be current members of the NDPC, and have USEF Pony Measurement or NDPC Small Horse Measurement Forms completed and submitted by the start of the competition on Friday.

  • Ponies, Small Horses, Riders, and Owners must be current members of USDF (or pay a non-member fee). Introductory riders are not required to be members.

  • Ponies, Small Horses, Riders, and Owners must be current members of USEF (or pay a non-member fee).

  • There are NO QUALIFYING SCORES necessary to enter.


  • Membership and proof of measurement must be submitted to the NDPC before the start of competition on Friday. The original measurement form, or a scanned copy of the original form, may be submitted as proof of measurement.

  • Pony and Small Horse measurements will be available to competitors on Thursday. Please specify that you need your Pony or Small Horse measured on your entry form and the Show Secretary will assign you a measurement time.

  • A Small Horse, as designated by the National Dressage Pony Cup, is any breed of horse or pony that measures less than 16hh with shoes. The official NDPC range is less than 163cm with shoes.

  • Ponies over 3 years of age must have a current USEF Pony Measurement Card.

  • Small Horses over 3 years of age must have a current NDPC Small Horse Measurement Form submitted to the NDPC prior to the start of competition.

  • Ponies 8 years and older will receive a permanent card. Ponies under 8 will receive a yearly/temporary card.

  • Small Horses 8 years and older will be considered permanently measured. Small Horses under 8 have a temporary measurement status, and must submit a new NDPC Measurement Form each year.

  • Ponies without a current USEF Pony Measurement Card must be measured before their first ride.

  • Small Horses without a current NDPC Small Horse Measurement must be measured before their first ride. Small Horses may be measured by a licensed, practicing veterinarian who is required to sign and verify the measurement. Or, if measured at the Annual Show,or at a Partner Show, the individual(s) approved by the NDPC.

  • The show TD will provide Pony competitors the USEF Pony Measurement Forms. DO NOT print them and bring them with you.

  • NDPC measurement forms will be provided at the time of measurement to Small Horse competitors.

  • Ponies and Small Horses are to be presented in a halter with bridle number attached. Handler must be at least 18.

  • Ponies will be jogged in front of the show veterinarian.

  • Small Horses will not need to be jogged, only measured.

  • Owners must be current members of USEF in order to receive a USEF Pony Measurement Card.

  • All measurement rules and requirements are governed by USEF for ponies, and by NDPC for Small Horses.


  • Only one Musical Freestyle test is required to qualify for prizes.

  • Musical Freestyle tests may be ridden on either Friday or Saturday, or may be ridden both days.

  • If a Musical Freestyle test is ridden more than once, the scores will be averaged.

  • Musical Freestyle Champion and Reserve will be calculated using a weighted scale per level. (See chart in the Breed Awards)

  • Champion and Reserve through sixth place neck sashes will be awarded for Open, AA, Junior (16 and under), and Young Rider (17 – 21) for two levels: Training – Fourth and FEI.


  • Rule Update 4/12/24

    If a Pony/Rider or Small Horse/Rider is a previous Champion at Training through Fourth Level at the NDPC Annual Show, by an average score that is less than the scores on the chart below, they may compete at the same level the following year and be eligible for awards.


          Average of Tests Competed           OPEN           AA            JR/YR

    Training Tests 2 and 3                          68.000       63.000      63.000

    First Level Tests 2 and 3                      66.000       62.000     62.000

    Second Level Tests 2 and 3               64.000       61.000      61.000

    Third Level Tests 2 and 3                     62.000       60.000      60.000

    Fourth Level Tests 2 and 3                  62.000       60.000      60.000     


  • Each day, First through Sixth Place ribbons will be awarded for Open, AA, Junior (under 16) and Young Rider (17-21) divisions at each level, for Ponies and Small Horses.

  • Scores from Friday’s and Saturday’s tests are averaged. Pony and Small Horse Champion & Reserve Champion through Sixth Place neck sashes will be awarded for Open, AA, Junior (16 and under) and Young Rider (17-21) divisions at all levels.


  • The highest score for a ridden test on Friday or Saturday (excluding Musical Freestyle) will be used to determine results for Open, AA, Junior (16 and under) and Young Rider (17-21) High Point Rider Awards.

  • Musical Freestyle scores are not eligible for High Point Rider Awards.


  • The Breed Award celebrates the diversity of Ponies and Small Horses represented each year at The National Dressage Pony Cup and Small Horse Championships.

  • The top two tests of the level are used for eligibility. Scores from Friday and Saturday will count (Musical Freestyle scores are not eligible). No additional classes need to be entered.

  • All breeds of Ponies and Small Horses are eligible to compete.

  • There is a Breed Award for all measured Ponies and Small Horses that do not belong to a registry: The Grade Breed Award.

  • Breed Awards for Ponies/Small Horses whose registries have sponsored include a neck sash and a custom-designed cobalt blue charger.

  • Ponies and Small Horses whose breed registries did not sponsor their Breed Award will receive a neck sash from the NDPC.

  • Registration papers must be sent in with entries, or presented to the Pony Cup Show Office before competition begins on Friday.

  • If no breed is declared, the Pony or Small Horse will compete for the Grade Breed Award.

  • Degree of difficulty points will be added to the average scores to determine the Breed Award Champions.

Level Points Added

Introductory 0

Training 2

First 4

Second 6

Third 8

Fourth 10

Prix St Georges 11

Intermediare I 11.5

Intermediare II 12

Grand Prix 12.5

FEI Pony Test 6


Come be a vendor at the National Dressage Pony Cup Annual Show! If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us at info@dressageponycup.com.

Perpetual Trophies

Perpetual Trophies

Introductory through Grand Prix must compete and receive scores in Championship Classes on Saturday and Sunday to be eligible.

These awards will be presented at the competitors dinner on Saturday night.


This new award for 2025 is for the oldest rider competing in the Pony and Small Horse Championships.


This award has been given out since the beginning of the Pony Cup! It is awarded to the oldest pony competing in the Pony and Small Horse Championships.


The Haflinger small horse or pony with the highest single score (with degree of difficulty points added) over both days will receive this award. Freestyle scores are not included. There are no height requirements for this award. American Haflinger Registry papers must be submitted.


The Fjord small horse or pony with the highest single score (with degree of difficulty points added) over both days will receive this award. Freestyle scores are not included. There are no height requirements for this award. Breed papers from the Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry must be submitted.


The pony or small horse with the highest single Freestyle score (with degree of difficulty points added) will receive this award.


The Arabian pony with the highest single score (with degree of difficulty points added) over both days will receive this award. Freestyle scores are included. Must be a pony and registered with the Arabian Horse Association (AHA). Breed papers must be submitted.


The Morgan small horse or pony with the highest single score (with degree of difficulty points added) over both days will receive this award. Freestyle scores are not included. There are no height requirements for this award. American Morgan Horse Association papers must be submitted.


The Arabian-bred small horse or pony with the highest single score (with degree of difficulty points added) over both days will receive this award. Freestyle scores are not included. There are no height requirements for this award. Arabian-bred is defined as an Arabian, Anglo-Arabian, Shagya-Arabian, or part-bred with at least one grandparent that is one of those three breeds. Papers must be submitted. Must be declared that you are participating for this award before the show.


In honor of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Platinum Jubilee. The Mountain and Moorland Pony with the highest single score (with degree of difficulty points added) over both days will receive this award. Freestyle scores are not included. There are no height requirements for this award. Breed papers must be submitted. Mountain and Moorland Breeds are as follows: Shetland Pony, Exmoor Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Welsh Pony and Cob (Section A,B,C, and D), Eriskay Pony, Kerry Bog Pony, Connemara Pony, Highland Pony, New Forest Pony, and Galloway Pony. Can be part-bred with papers.


The President’s Choice Award is given each year to acknowledge a competitor or organization that exemplifies the spirit of the National Dressage Pony Cup. With this award, we honor extraordinary enthusiasm, perseverance, and dedication to furthering the participation of Ponies and Small Horses in the sport of Dressage.